
The development history of pvc water belt

The development history of pvc water belt

October 12, 2023

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) hose is a common pipe and water delivery equipment whose development can be traced back to the 20th century. The following is the main development history of PVC water belts:


1. Early 20th century: The synthesis method of PVC was first discovered. However, early PVC materials were easy to decompose, so they were not widely used in the field of water hoses.


2. 1930s: Scientists improved the synthesis method of PVC to make it more stable and durable. This improvement led to the widespread use of PVC in pipes and water delivery equipment.


3. 1940s: During World War II, PVC hose was used in military applications such as oil delivery and temporary water systems.


4. 1950s: PVC hoses began to be widely used in the civil field for agricultural irrigation, gardening and construction projects.


5. 1960s: The production technology of PVC hose continues to improve, making it more durable, flexible and easy to install. This period also saw the widespread use of PVC pipes in construction and sewage treatment.


6. 1970s to present: With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the manufacturing and use processes of PVC hoses have been continuously improved to reduce environmental impact. At the same time, the types and specifications of PVC hoses are also constantly enriched to meet the needs of different industries and uses.


In general, PVC water belts have gone through several stages of development, from early experimental materials to durable water delivery equipment widely used in different fields. Its cost-effectiveness, corrosion resistance and ease of installation make it the preferred choice in many industries. However, as time goes by, concerns about environmental protection and sustainability are also driving the continuous improvement and innovation of PVC hoses.
