
Which PVC or canvas agricultural hose is durable

Which PVC or canvas agricultural hose is durable?

October 12, 2023

Both PVC and canvas farm hose have their own advantages and disadvantages, and their durability depends on the environment and intended use. Here are some of their characteristics:


1. PVC agricultural water belt:

    - PVC hose is usually cheaper and easier to obtain.

    - They are relatively lightweight and easy to carry and store.

    - PVC hose has good corrosion resistance and can withstand some chemicals and UV rays.

    - However, PVC hose is susceptible to low and high temperatures and may become brittle or soft under extreme temperature conditions.

    - PVC hose is generally not very durable and is prone to wear and scratches.


2. Canvas agricultural hose:

    - Canvas hoses are generally more durable than PVC hoses and can better resist wear and scratches.

    - They are usually able to withstand higher water pressure.

    - Canvas hoses are relatively heavy and may be less convenient to store and carry.

    - They are generally more resistant to high and low temperatures.

    - Canvas hose is not susceptible to UV damage, making it more durable for outdoor use.


Therefore, if you need a hose that is more durable, abrasion-resistant, and UV-resistant, a canvas agricultural hose may be better for you. However, if you need a lightweight, affordable option and don't plan on exposing it to harsh conditions, PVC hose may be enough for your needs. The final choice should be based on your specific needs and budget.
